About Us

Leading the Charge in Sustainable Governance

Meet the Team

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

  • Founder

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • Design Director

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Our Definition of Sustainability

At Netā, sustainability transcends traditional boundaries. It's about creating systems where environmental care, social equity, and economic vitality are inseparably intertwined, ensuring that flora, fauna, and humanity not only coexist but thrive together. Our four pillars help to encompass our approach to sustainability.

Through education, empowerment, and elevating standards, Netā is committed to redefining leadership for a world where sustainability is the cornerstone of all business practices. Join us in shaping a future where every decision made in the boardroom contributes to building a thriving, resilient world.

Our Four Pillars

  • For us, sustainability means fostering ecosystems where governance and policies are robust and forward-thinking, supporting the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

    It’s about constructing economic systems that do more than generate profit; they must also safeguard the integrity of our natural and social environments.

  • At the heart of our approach is a relentless curiosity—a drive to continually ask, seek, and innovate. We believe in playing with possibilities to forge better systems and deliver holistic value. To never stop asking how we can deliver more value.

    This isn't value limited to financial gains; rather, it's about enriching the broader spectrum of life, enhancing the capacity of our communities and environments to prosper sustainably. For our businesses, it includes financial but as a byproduct of a new, evolving “business as usual” which enables the entire system to thrive.

  • By instilling these values in boardrooms across the globe, we aim to cultivate leaders who prioritize the long-term over the temporary, who see beyond the balance sheet to the global impact of their decisions.

    Our mission is to mold businesses that are not only successful in the market but also pivotal in progressing towards a sustainable future.

  • To us, sustainability is the very essence of persistence and endurance—the ability to sustain success, existence, operations, and delivery over time.

    It’s about legacy, about crafting a future that respects our planet’s limits and potentials as well as enables us to consider pursuing our passions at work.

Our Mission

To Harness the Power of Boards as the Tipping Point for a Sustainable Future

At Netā, we believe that boardrooms are the pivotal arenas where the course of companies—and societies—can be redirected towards sustainability and resilience. By nurturing a cadre of informed and inspired directors, we're not just participating in the global conversation; we're leading it.

Together, we are the tipping point in unlocking sustainable practices within boardrooms worldwide. Join us, whether you are an aspiring leader or already shaping the future as a NED.

Your voice matters in this community, in the boardroom, and for the future.

Join Our Journey

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Our Commitments

  • We believe education is the cornerstone of effective governance. Our commitment to educate goes beyond mere knowledge transfer—it's about empowering directors with deep insights into the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that define our age.

    Through innovative research, a curated selection of workshops, seminars, and exclusive resources alongside a dynamic network for learning and support, we equip our members with the tools and understanding necessary to not only navigate and lead their boards through complex sustainability challenges, but to leverage sustainability into positive opportunities for success.

    Our approach ensures that every member can advocate for and implement strategic changes that not only benefit their companies but also contribute positively to global sustainability goals.

  • We are committed to providing the resources and support needed to transform knowledge into action.

    We create environments that foster collaboration and innovation among our members, enabling them to drive impactful sustainability initiatives at the highest levels of business leadership.

    By connecting our members with a network of peers, experts, and thought leaders, we enhance their capacity to influence and execute meaningful change within their organizations. This commitment ensures that our community isn't just aware of the best practices in sustainable governance but is also leading the charge in applying them effectively.

    We empower our members to be the catalysts for change.

  • We strive to raise the standards of board governance across the globe.

    We are dedicated to instilling a higher sense of purpose and responsibility in our members, encouraging them to set new benchmarks for leadership in sustainability.

    Our initiatives focus on showcasing exemplary models of governance that prioritize long-term value over short-term gains. By promoting these higher standards, Netā inspires all board members to aspire to greater heights in their roles as custodians of their companies' and communities' futures.

    Together, we are redefining what it means to lead with foresight, ethics, and an unyielding commitment to sustainability.

“Harness the power of the full spectrum of sustainability to shape not only the world of tomorrow, but a resilient bottom line for your business.”

— Liza Tullidge, Founder of Netā